Thursday, November 11, 2010


Normally, I wouldn't start a TILT with negative things, but this one is warranted. I got a boot put on my car today (the week before rent is due) and it cost $570 to get it off, which I had to get an advance on 2 paychecks from my boss to afford. Got home and when I went to pay the electric bill, my bank account was over-drawn thanks to Sprint fucking me on my bill. Today was BAD. So I'm focusing on things TODAY that I love.

Having a good job: I bitch about my job a lot, because I have to deal with getting yelled at on the phone and a lot of stress. But, really, I love that I have a job where my boss actually cares about her employees (we're a small business, there's only 6 of us including my boss) and we have a lot of fun when we're not pissed off at the assholes that call us. Not many other bosses would have helped out their employees pay to get a boot off their car. I get to dress in jeans and a t-shirt and I'm in charge of my job. There's almost no micro managing and I'm good at my job. Especially in this economy, having a good job with lots of security is amazing.

Frye Boots: Simple things are the best. These boots are the most amazing piece of clothing I've ever owned. They were expensive (retailed for about $230, but I found them on sale for $90) and took a while to break them in, but now they're like extensions of my feet. So so so comfortable and they look BAD ASS. I always feel better wearing them.

Vodka: Best in iced tea. Relaxes the hell out of me. I love it.

Being home: I know when I get home that I'll be able to put pajama pants on, relax on my comfy couch, watch TV, play on the internet and have a drink. Maybe cook some dinner. But I can do what ever I want, because I'm HOME. My couches, my books, my kitchen, my TV, my keeps me going through the day.

The Rest: Not having a boot on my car, poop and fart jokes, Ipod play lists, new phones, helpful customer service, hugs from my boyfriend, sparkly nail polish, flat irons, wife beater-jeans-boots combos, dinner with friends, Old Chevy Chase movies, tweezers.

1 comment:

  1. I got up 10 minutes earlier than usual and turned my computer on at home...which I never do in the am...just to read your TILT haha. Tourism took over my day yesterday.
