Thursday, July 28, 2011

TILT (the unemployed edition)

So since I got fired on Monday, I figured a good 'ol TILT would be a good idea this week.

Turkey the Puppy: I love my dog more and more every day. Even the annoying stuff. My favorite thing is watching her sleep when she's dreaming. The running feet, twitchy nose and echoy woofs. I love that she sleeps pressed up against me. She'll be a year old on August 1st (we're estimating). She's got such a weird/wonderful personality and I just adore her.

Air conditioned bedrooms: We only have a window unit in the bedroom and the nice tv/PS3/Roku is all downstairs, so we end up spending most of the time downstairs. I grew up without A/C, so really, I can handle it most of the time, but there is something downright magical about stepping into an air-conditioned room after sweating all day. It's only better when you get to sleep on cool sheets and wake up burrowed under the covers.

Cleaning: This may seem like a weird one, but there is something very cathartic about making a messy room clean. I always feel like when my house is messy, so is my brain. Having a nice clean house makes me be able to breathe easier. I just turn a movie/music on and I can spend hours organizing.

Freedom: The feeling hasn't totally hit me yet, but the extreme anxiety I felt every night I had to go to work the next day is leaving me. I'd like to keep my freedom and after this "vacation" week, I'm making a point to keep a schedule and be productive, because I just can't sit around doing nothing constantly. I'm addicted to having a schedule, but now I have the freedom to make it whatever I want. That's a beautiful feeling.

The Rest: The Roku, Desperate Housewives, my friend Tommy being on Hell's Kitchen, new movies, cleaning supplies, buying organizational tools, random forehead kisses, wine, having the whole bed to myself, morning snuggles with Matt (and inevitably Turkey), crossword puzzles with friends, swimming!, giant fans, The Phillies, The Perogie Hoagie, small yet amazing neighborhood pubs, making new friends, reconnecting with old friends, taking a swan dive off the top of a jeep and loving/hating the subsequent (intense) bruises, really true friends that love you no matter no what and make it a point to be sure you know it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

TILT (Here we go again!)

I had had a pretty shitty week. So let's do this shit:
Being Tattooed: Not getting tattooed, not healing tattoos (because we all know that sucks), but having tattoos. I love them. I love looking at them. I love knowing they're there. The funny ones, the meaningful ones, the bad ones and the good ones. I'm so excited about this thigh tattoo I'm in the progress of getting. I can't wait to have more and keep getting them as I get older. (disclaimer: I got this picture off of Google Images. I'm not stealing pictures from people's pages. If it's you or someone you know, don't be an asshole, just politely message me about it.)

Morning walks: Turkey and I have started going on morning walks. We're only doing 30 minutes right now, because we've just started it, but I'm aiming to get to doing hour walks in the next couple of weeks. It so nice to walk around my neighborhood with her in the morning while it's still quiet and cool out. Helps wake me up and helps tire her out.

Weddings: I don't understand why people don't like going to weddings. I mean, if it's a Catholic service, those can be horribly long and boring, but most weddings are short and sweet and then you get to party with all of your friends, eat, drink, dance, mingle....what's to dislike?? I have a friend's wedding in about a month and I'm SO EXCITED. More people should get married so I can go to their weddings.

The Rest: New flip flops, puppy snores, Sephora, driving with the windows open, sleeping with the windows open, home made carnitas tacos, home made guacamole, water!, Phillies Games, summer plans, doggy play dates, dive bars, spending ALL day in bed watching movies, cleaning products, Yes to Carrots (and tomatoes and cucumbers and blueberries) line, HTC Evo, Easter plans with Matt's parents.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


The Final Fantasy series: I came into this a lot later than everyone else (FF VIII), but I got hooked fast. I played and beat 8 several times, loved 10 and now am fairly early on in 13. I love the strategy, having to think fast and be several steps ahead in battles and just walking through. The graphics have gotten super intense and it's like a really long, gorgeous movie that you get to control the characters. I will always play this game.

The sound of high heels/boot on non-carpeted floor, particularly marble: That was a specific one, I know. I've always had a facination with that sound. I think it was because my dad worked on Capitol Hill my entire childhood and there were always a ton of people walking around on some important mission. The ladies always looked so grown up (to me as a child) and important with their heels clicking on the floor. Ever since I bought my Frye boots (and they are all I wear now if it's below 60*) they have a small heel on them and they make a very similar noise and I LOVE IT. I pay attention to it everywhere I go.

Me and Turkey's morning routine: During the week (when Matt is working also) Turkey has a specific schedule that starts with just Matt (poop/pee, breakfast, pills) and then when he goes to work, it's just me and her. Since I don't have to get up until about an hour after Matt leaves, I'm still in bed. Turkey says goodbye to Matt downstairs, watches him leave from the window and then comes back upstairs.

Usually once I get the bed to myself, I sleep in the middle on my stomach with one knee bent up towards my chest and the other stretched out behind me. Sounds uncomfortable, but it does wonders for my spine. Anyway, Turkey comes up and curls herself up between my knees until I get up an hour later. She sits on the bathroom floor when I get ready in there and then we go downstairs.

She immediately grabs her rope and sits on the very edge of the couch waiting for me to start playing. If it's not rainy or super cold, we go outside and I throw her ball down the backyard and she gets to run around like crazy for a while. If it's gross outside (like this morning) I throw the rope from the living room to the kitchen and she chases it and then we play tug of war. Rinse and repeat. Before I go to work, I take her outside again (on the leash) for a last pee & poo and then I put some peanut butter in her kong, make her lay down on her blanket and give her her kong minutes before I leave. I know it's good for her to have a routine, but I really look forward to it too.

The Rest: knowing I'm good at my job, trying new recipes, driving with the windows down, chocolate soy milk, Greek yogurt!!, haircuts, taking pictures when it counts, dollar store dog rope toys, solitary road trips listening and singing along to any music I want, weight machines, MAC make up, people with a good sense of humor, that I actually think all of my relatives are super awesome, pumpernickel bread, rare roast beef, Alfresco chicken, feta & spinach sausages, flannel shirts, windey country roads, childhood pictures.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Return of the TILT

I've been slacking. Long story. Anyway...

Water bottles: Not just for water, but most useful for that. I have one that has a permanent spot on my desk at work and I just refill it from the water cooler all day. I try and push myself to drink at LEAST 2 a day. They're so useful and so less wasteful than constantly buying bottles of water.

Reading "trashy" books: I'm generally open to reading just about anything. I enjoy "deep thoughts" books a lot, but sometimes I want something trashy and fun. I'm currently on the 2nd Twilight book and while it's obvious they were written for your average middle/high school girl, they're awesome. Just entertaining and a quick read.

Random warm days in the winter: I despise the winter. I hate being cold. I crave the warmth and sun of the summer. The closer I get to fall I actually start to feel panicky about how depressed I'm going to be about the shorter days and freezing temperatures. To be fair, in the summer, I bitch about the heat, but I will always choose heat over cold. So when I've been bundled up with constantly cold hands and feet all winter, trying not to think about how dismal everything is and we get a random 60* day, all I want to do is lay outside and stretch in the sun like a cat. My whole body relaxes from months of being tense. I've caught myself before standing in the middle of a sidewalk, eyes closed, humming in happiness because I caught a sunbeam. Tomorrow it will be close to 70*. I'm wearing flip-flops goddamnit.

My Crockpot: When I first got my crockpot, I was a little hesitant to make things in it, since I didn't really have any experience. I started with an easy chili (which is super delicious) and have moved on to pulled pork and most recently, pulled chicken. My favorite part is at the end when the meat literally falls off the bone. I giggle every time. I love being able to throw random things in a it, leave it alone and several hours later have a TON of food. It's amazing and one of my favorite kitchen staples.

The Rest: Sharpies, my puppy tucking herself in between me and the couch to fall asleep, Netflix, my morning phone calls with Matt, browsing, roast beef sandwiches with provolone on rye, beefsteak tomatoes, finding new recipes, board games, texting with Alan, meal planning, burritos and watching a movie on the couch with Matt on Valentine's day since we did a fancy dinner the previous weekend, flannel shirts, reading news articles every day, anticipating the spring/summer, summer dresses with flip flops.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Pandora Radio: I've been using this a lot lately on my phone as I hate making music decisions and I love hearing new good music. One of my favorite stations is one that's for underground (well, as underground as Pandora can get) hip hop. It's managed to focus itself around Mos Def, but I'm okay with that. Keep it up Pandora.

Lunch bags: There is something classy about nice lunch bags. Keeps food cool in the summer and warm in the winter. And you can carry food packaging around without seeming awkward.

Puppy Dreams: There are few cuter things in this world than puppy dreams. Turkey does the "running leg" thing more than dream barks, but when she does...OMG. Little echo-y barks and are more woofles than anything. She sometimes wakes us up her dreams get so enthusiastic, but it's so adorable it's hard to get mad.

Celebrity Gossip: I'm shallow, whatever. I love this shit. Every morning at work, I check my work emails and then get on PopEater for the latest celebrity gossip. I also used to read D-Listed, but I've fallen off of that recently. Still hilarious though. Perez Hilton without the notoriety.

The Rest: military bags as purses, red wine, what little sense of morality I actually have, good country music, caffeine free diet coke.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

TILT - first of 2011

Last night I wrote out a long and well thought out TILT and minimized my screen and put my laptop to sleep so I could wake up first thing this morning and hit "POST" and be done with it. Well apparently Windows did a fucking update last night and restarted my laptop, erasing everything. Fucker.

So here is a revised version, cuz I be goddamned if I can remember everything I wrote last night when I was about to fall asleep

Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Garlic: I'm only writing these two together because I love them both and they often end up together. Damn near everything I cook has garlic sauted in EV Olive Oil. They're both so good for and and SO damn tasty. LOVE.

Knee High Socks: Now that I wear boots every day, it's kind of a necessity, but they're so comfortable. I have 2 favorite pairs that I got from Target that are black/white and pink/white argyle, respectively that I'm imagining I'll wear through shortly because I always have them on.

B-12 vitamins: I'm allergic to caffeine and I don't sleep well. I'm usually very tired in the mornings and that's a bitch when you have to be super alert at work. I started taking these after a friend recommended them and they're really working well. I've been taking them with Ginko Biloba and that seems to be helping me as well. I strongly suggest them to anyone who doesn't do well with caffeine.

Justin Timberlake: Very little is needed to be said here. He is perfect (okay, aside from that Cameron Diaz thing...). Amazing singer, dancer, he's funny, an increasingly good actor, and HOT. Dayum. Even Matt loves him. I really need for him to come out with another album so he'll go on tour and I can go see him. JT is my man.

The Rest: very dark chocolate, sleeping puppy woofs, sesame sticks, Say Yes to Cucumbers face wipes, metallic make up, laundry baskets, DIY, Pandora Radio, car dancing, Goughnuts, bruises, Anatometal jewelry, sharp tweezers, hoodies, getting packages in the mail, people with phone manners, correct spelling and grammar.