Thursday, April 21, 2011

TILT (Here we go again!)

I had had a pretty shitty week. So let's do this shit:
Being Tattooed: Not getting tattooed, not healing tattoos (because we all know that sucks), but having tattoos. I love them. I love looking at them. I love knowing they're there. The funny ones, the meaningful ones, the bad ones and the good ones. I'm so excited about this thigh tattoo I'm in the progress of getting. I can't wait to have more and keep getting them as I get older. (disclaimer: I got this picture off of Google Images. I'm not stealing pictures from people's pages. If it's you or someone you know, don't be an asshole, just politely message me about it.)

Morning walks: Turkey and I have started going on morning walks. We're only doing 30 minutes right now, because we've just started it, but I'm aiming to get to doing hour walks in the next couple of weeks. It so nice to walk around my neighborhood with her in the morning while it's still quiet and cool out. Helps wake me up and helps tire her out.

Weddings: I don't understand why people don't like going to weddings. I mean, if it's a Catholic service, those can be horribly long and boring, but most weddings are short and sweet and then you get to party with all of your friends, eat, drink, dance, mingle....what's to dislike?? I have a friend's wedding in about a month and I'm SO EXCITED. More people should get married so I can go to their weddings.

The Rest: New flip flops, puppy snores, Sephora, driving with the windows open, sleeping with the windows open, home made carnitas tacos, home made guacamole, water!, Phillies Games, summer plans, doggy play dates, dive bars, spending ALL day in bed watching movies, cleaning products, Yes to Carrots (and tomatoes and cucumbers and blueberries) line, HTC Evo, Easter plans with Matt's parents.

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