Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Weather info: I have a weather app on my phone, watch the weather on the news every morning and night, an alarm clock that has the weather on it, a weather download for my work computer and the front page of my phone has the current weather and if it's rainy, it has rain drops and if it's cloudy, clouds drift across my screen (I've only had the phone 2 days). I don't even know what my obsession with the weather is, I just feel calmer when I know what's going on.

Wifebeaters (the clothes): I think I have 8 of them in several different neutral colors. Grey to olive to brown to dark blue to black. I wear them to work, to sleep, out socially and around the house. Aside from the pajama pant, it is the most comfortable thing EVER. I like guys in them too. They're trashy without being super trashy. Or they are if you want them to be. They go with everything too. Pants, skirts, under dresses, shorts and panties/boxers.

My old children's books: I guess "Young Adult" might be a better term. I've kept almost every book I've owned and I usually reread most of them. I have a few favorites from my childhood that are in that category, even though they're aimed at kids 20 years younger than me. I've recently started (and almost finished, they're not very long) Monica Furlong's "Juniper" series (is it still a series if it's only 2 books??) and even though I know what's coming I still get excited about the following page. I even catch myself skim reading to get to my favorite parts (I do that with all the books I reread though.) I also still love the Fairy Books that I was obsessed with when I was little too. Well written books never get boring, no matter who they were written for. (edit: HOLY. SHIT. There's a THIRD book in the "Juniper" series!!! If someone wanted to get me this for Christmas, I'd be super stoked!)

The Rest: Android phones, sleeping on my side, cough medicine, fresh lemons in ice water, Wordfeud, impromptu dinners out, wheat beer, bleu cheese on burgers, expensive camera equipment, a clean kitchen, dark nail polish in winter, wawa everything, B-12 vitamins, potatoes, coupons, The Biggest Loser, Bob not Jillian, morning routines.


  1. YEP! YEP! YEP! I thought Justin Bieber was one of your loves, hah. I rely on my weather apps, too. I'm such a big wuss during a storm I HAVE TO KNOW what is happening, going to happen, and could happen throughout (kind of like at the dentist). I feel you on wifebeaters, too. I sleep in them and wear them out. I'm in one now, but I never wear just the wifebeater anymore. Children's books: You like Art Spiegelman, right? Check this out

    I need to look into your fave kid's books-- mine were Beverly Cleary and Roald Dahl (Danny, Champion of the World still gives me chills)...and ok, The Babysitter's Club. Damn Claudia hooked me every time!!

    Great post. Sorry for the long comment. I know you love OPI -- as a retired (pffft) nail tech I have to say my reigning favorite is Lincoln Park after Dark. GORGEOUS. And SpaRitual "Smart Cookie" is HOT. <3 !!

  2. Holy drunken comment. Sorry about that!
