Thursday, October 28, 2010


Cooking: Over the past few years I've been getting more and more into cooking at home. Usually it was just cooking for myself or if I was cooking for someone else it was just random crap. Since moving in with Matt, I've been cooking a lot more formal-ish dinners for both of us. Casseroles, home-made pizzas, stuffed chickens, etc. I've been getting more creative. Some turn out good, some could be better. Tonight was Spaghetti Pie, which Matt ate 3 giant pieces of. I can't wait to try new ones!

Thunderstorms at night: It seems counter-productive, as I'm a very light sleeper and an insomniac, but thunderstorms at night make me wiggily-happy. I actually unconsciously sigh out loud. In the summer, having that fresh rain smelling breeze rush in through the window with the staccato of the rain drops on the roof just makes everything perfect for those few minutes. It also puts me to sleep faster than anything else.

Alone time: I love living with my boyfriend and I love hanging out with my friends, but MAN I love alone time. I don't get much of it, but on Saturday morning/afternoon, I get to be in my house by myself wandering around in silence or reading or cleaning or gardening with no one else around. I get to breathe easier and calm my mind. I would be miserable if I was alone all the time, but these brief times when I'm not obligated to anything or anyone are glorious.

Squishy couches: We just got 2 8ft old corduroy couches for our living room. They're extra wide and soft and you sink right into them. I fantasize about coming home from work, putting on pajama pants (see last weeks TILT) and collapsing into the giant hug that is my couch for the evening. I could spend years on a comfortable couch. I don't even know why they make the crappy ones.

The Rest: Law and Order SVU, fresh vegetables, newly painted toenails, throw pillows, oriental rugs, StumbleUpon, bread, pictures of octopi and jellyfish, the smell of fresh basil, trivial pursuit.

1 comment:

  1. I love new recipes!!! I get obsessed with new things to make, look it up all over the internet and bring home usually 5 recipes for the same thing. Then I try to use all 5 at once to make the meal, get frustrated when it gets to complicated and question why I tried it in the first place.

    I have a 50/50 success rate.
